Make It Yours
The Spirit of America
You’re more likely to live here
The city upon a hill on now up on the mountain!
Massachusetts: It’s Wicked!
Don’t Miss Mass!
Thank us for thanksgiving
Stay out of Teddy’s car!
No pranks and all thanks!
Life is WICKED good
Massachusetts: Taxachusetts
Washington’s Outhouse
Massachusetts: where God is God
Where we know which witch is which
Massachusetts: The Commonwealth
Our Taxes Are Lower Than Sweden’s
Now with 30% Fewer Kennedys!
Home of the Young Girls from Nantucket. Also, the Home of Ted Kennedy … Hmmmm
The state for the Old Bay
The land of the Puritans
The spirit of America resides in Massachusetts
The state for the pilgrims
The dream of a patriot
Massachusetts smells like freedom
The home to Ted Kennedy
It is all here in Massachusettes
The hub of the classics
Kingpin of business
Captain of biotechnology leads in technology
Figurehead, father figure science and technology
Superior province in the knowledge
Paradise of business
Kingpin in every aspect
Headman state leads the finance
Mover and shaker of finance and maritime trade
Convener of the new world, sustainable energy
Moderator states forecasts the world facts of progress
Manager in everything, distinct from others
Massachusetts being Overseer of future
Massachusetts being Administrator, froths in world
Mastered in blossom of education
Foreman state takes oath to lead the world
Premier Massachusetts makes legendary arise
Monarch of education
King awakes with the power of knowledge
Queen ornamented with wisdom
Essence of Sovereignty first landed from here
Emperor sate erased the British colonist
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