40+ Slogans On Hockey

Give blood, play hockey.

I can’t check this.

When hell freezes over, we’ll play hockey there, too.

Hockey 4

Hockey: Making dentists rich since 1875.

I play daily; you play weakly.

Fire in my heart and ice in my veins.

Hockey 3

Got Stick?

Hockey, the cool sport.

Don’t go through life without goals.

Hockey 2

Please don’t feed the goalie.

Our goal is to deny yours.

Hockey with Heart.

Hockey 1

You miss 100% of the shots you never take.

Take the shortest route to the puck and arrive in ill humor.

Do I smell of hockey and sweat?

Hockey and some more hockey

Puck and stick is what I carry

Have you smelled my bag?

The dentists are going to profit tonight

I only live for hockey

Not everyone gets the hockey thing

Eyes on the puck, feet on the turf

Love and breathe Hockey

Rule of the stick

Witness the Power.

Life is Hockey; Hockey is Life.

Teamwork Makes The Dream Work.

Intensity is not a perfume!

There’s no traffic on the extra mile.

The will to win is not nearly so important as the will to prepare to win.

Be prepared! “If only” are the famous last words of those who weren’t.

Actions speak louder than coaches.

Great opportunities come to those who make the most of small ones.

To demand more of yourself than you do of others is the first step on any ladder of success.

It is hockey season

I would rather play hockey

Love hockey

You won’t understand, it is a hockey thing

Eat. Hockey. Sleep. Repeat.

You cannot puck with me

May the best defense win

Please talk hockey to me

Life can be a game, but hockey is serious

Keep calm and keep playing hockey

We love hockey

Whatever it takes to score the goal

Defense wins

We own the turf

Make the turf yours!

Love me a game of hockey

Actions not words

We earn it

We got the game

Shin up! For it is hockey time

We are the puck bunnies

More of hockey, less talky

Remain the same or train

Anyday is a good day for hockey

It is time for some hockey

Got skills and stick?

Conquer the world with skills and stick!

I am a hockey and chill kind of person

A week without hockey will make one weak

Play nice or play hockey

Go hard or go home

I speak hockey fluently

Therapy comes in the form of hockey

We were born to play hockey

Make your hockey bag stinky, not your attitude

Hockey is loved by cute girls!

Playing hockey is my superpower, what is yours?

I want a hockey cup, not diamonds

Do not get fooled by my skirt

Don’t let the heels fool you

Weekends are for watching playoffs, not for partying

A sport beyond strategies

Believe to achieve

I can ditch you for watching an extra playoff

Love hockey. Love life

Keep scoring!

Goals are scored, not wished for

Hockey hard

It is hockey and relax kind of day

Hockey makes me happy. You? Not so much

I am a play hockey, be happy kind of girl

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