50+ Unique Memorial Day Slogans

For all the sacrifices

A moment for the deceased

Thoughts for the ones gone

Great Slogans On Memorial Day2

Never forget

Gone but not forgotten

They did it for us

Every drop of blood counts

In the honor of the ones gone

Freedom didn’t come for free

Keeping them in our prayers

Great Slogans On Memorial Day1

Aspire rather to be a hero than merely appear one.

Dead upon the field of glory, hero fit for song and story.

Every day the flag flies free is Memorial Day to me.

For love of country, they accepted death.

From their hearts and on their own.

Got Freedom? Thank a Soldier.

Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism.

Great Slogans On Memorial Day3

Heroes come in different forms,And some are never known .Giving all they could possibly give.

I have long believed that sacrifice is the pinnacle of patriotism.

I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.

It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died, rather we should thank God that such men lived.

Let us never forget, they sacrificed their life, blood and sweat.

Memorial Day: Never Forget, Forever Honor.

I love Memorial Day

Great Slogans On Memorial Day4

For all the lives who posted

They live in your hearts always

Memorial day has Never been forgotten by anyone

Bold as a soldier – important as Life

They served the future, now we should serve next

They tried and it worked

They did it for us so we have to

Great Slogans On Memorial Day5

They never did it for themselves

Never forget their service and sacrifices

Always remember, never forget them

They did their part, with a brave heart.

They hover as a cloud of witnesses above this nation.

They sleep in the dust but live in our hearts.

We come not to mourn our dead soldiers but to praise them.

Memorial Day Freedom Isnt Free

Who kept the faith and fought the fight; the glory theirs; the duty ours.

You answered the call and gave it your all. We are grateful.

Always live in the heart

We remember with honor and gratitude

Celebrating with great love

We love memorial day

They tried for us and it worked

Memorial Day Grave Decorations

Sacrifice is the key of freedom

Our lives are given them

They gone but alive in our souls

Their part is a courageous heart

Their memories lives always high

If you have freedom, thank the soldier for it

They give whatever they could

Love our soldiers continuously

Memorial Day Messages

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