20+ Kansas Slogans

As big as you think

Bleeding Kansas

Do it here and you’re halfway there

Best Kansas Slogans1

First of The Rectangle States

Halfway to everywhere

Home of Beautiful Women

Land of Ahhs

Best Kansas Slogans2

Not Everything is Flat

Simply Wonderful

Stupid is the New Smart

The Pirate’s Kansas

Best Kansas Slogans3

There’s no place like Home

We Know We’re Flat (And We’re Very Self-conscious About It)

It isn’t necessary to have relatives in Kansas City in order to be unhappy.

Kansas City is truly an awesome town.

Kansas Slogans1

Kansas had better stop raising corn and begin raising hell.

Kansas is indispensable to the joy, the inspiration, and the improvement of the world.

When I think of Kansas, I think of family.

Kansas: As big as you think

Kansas Slogans2

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