60+ Best Yearbook Slogans

A year worth remembering.

Came as nobody, leaving as perfection.

Going to different paths with hearts attached.

Slogans On Yearbook3

Different Beat, Same Friends.

We are together till the end of the road.

Forever Friends with Forever Memories.

Let’s Begin a new path.

A look back before we leap.

A picture is worth (year) words.

A vision becoming a reality.

A year like no other.

A year to remember.

Let’s make history.

Slogans On Yearbook4

Created Best Memories here.

A picture of life to remember.

End of the Best Part of life.

Let’s never forget these beautiful memories.

Enjoy the present but remember the past.

Best Days that got us here.

Let’s not forget these days.

Don’t cry because its over, smile because it happened

Celebrate the present, Remember the past

A picture is worth 2010 words

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The pen is in your hand, the rest is still unwritten

These memories of our past, sure were a blast

So many faces going so many places

Memories have passed but memories do last

A year we won’t forget

A vision becoming a reality

A look back before we leap

Live each day as if it were your last.

A year to remember

Come as you are, leave as you may.

Yearbook Slogans Stepping Into The Future

End of an Era

Walking to a different Beat

If these walls could talk

Life, camera, action!

Be the change you want to see in the world

Beginning from the End

Down the Road together

A class worth waiting for.

A galaxy of stars!

A year we won’t forget.

Yearbook Slogans

Be the change you want to see in the world.

Beginning from the End.

Campus stalkers.

Celebrate the present, Remember the past.

Charging into the Future.

Come as you are, leave as you may.

Crop it like it’s hot.

Dare to Soar.

Don’t live down to expectations. Go out there and do something remarkable.

Don’t mess with me I have a camera.

Slogans On Yearbook1

Down the Road together.

End of an Era.

Every life is a story, make yours a best seller.

Every now and Then.

Headlines & deadlines.

I like big books and I cannot lie.

If these walls could talk.

Imagine yourself… buying a yearbook.

Inside Edition.

Celebrate The Present

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